Find out if the The Zerigo Home Phototherapy Solution might be right for you!

DermatologistOnCall providers are uniquely qualified to diagnose and treat more than 3,000 skin, hair and nail conditions online through a secure, HIPAA-compliant website.


DermatologistOnCall providers are uniquely qualified to diagnose and treat more than 3,000 skin, hair and nail conditions online through a secure, HIPAA-compliant website.


You can select your provider from the list of dermatologists licensed in your state. And, all of our providers have active office practices should your doctor determine that you need to be seen in person.


More important, our providers have been specifically trained on the Zerigo Solution.

Want to consult with a dermatologist now? DermatologistOnCall can help. 

DermatologistOnCall can ensure that every patient who is interested in the Zerigo Solution has quick and convenient access to a board-certified dermatologist. Conducting a visit online with one of our dermatologists is as easy as providing a description of your condition and sending a few photos of your skin. No appointment needed. Keep reading to learn more about our doctors and how it works or click below to start your visit now.


DermatologistOnCall is the largest network of board-certified dermatologists who see patients online.

How does it work?

An online visit only takes a few minutes and can be conducted at any time and from anywhere, and you don’t need an appointment.

Here’s how it works:

Create a patient
Select a provider
licensed in
your state.
Tell your
provider about
your condition
and send photos
of your skin.

You can expect to receive a diagnosis and treatment plan – along with a prescription for activating your Zerigo Solution if the doctor determines that it could be effective for you – in as fast as 24 hours.* 

An online visit costs $75.

If you want to learn more about DermatologistOnCall, click here for FAQs. If you’re ready to start your visit, click the button below. 



How does it work?

An online visit only takes a few minutes and can be conducted at any time and from anywhere, and you don’t need an appointment.

Here’s how it works:

Create a patient profile.

Select a provider licensed in your state.

Tell your 
provider about your condition and send photos of your skin.

You can expect to receive a diagnosis and treatment plan – along with a prescription for activating your Zerigo Solution system if the doctor determines that it could be effective for you – in as fast as 24 hours.* 

An online visit costs $75.

If you want to learn more about DermatologistOnCall, click here for FAQs. If you’re ready to start your visit, click the button below. 
